
A Kitchen Hack Will Have Your Back: 6 Kitchen Hacks You Need to Know

Food hacks are among the most useful tools in your kitchen! Use these six kitchen hacks for a real hacker kitchen.

By: Chelsea Scarnegie, Editor,

Is your kitchen driving you crazy? Sometimes the solution to an unorganized kitchen can be found in the simplest of places and with the simplest of objects. This article, A Kitchen Hack Will Have Your Back: 6 Kitchen Hacks You Need to Know, is your ticket to a kitchen that invokes feelings of joy and relaxation - not frustration and stress. The following kitchen life hacks will hopefully show you some DIY kitchen ideas that would otherwise have never crossed your mind. From small kitchen hacks to kitchen organization hacks, this article will save you time and money.
Whether it's a matter of saving space, storing produce, or cleaning appliances, these kitchen hacks really do have your back. Go from having a cluttery freezer with frozen foods just haphazardly stacked and waiting to tumble, to an organized freezer with items stacked and categorized. Go from spending time cleaning that tricky blender of yours to watching as it cleans itself. There is something about a good kitchen hack that truly makes you feel like a wizard.

6 Kitchen Hacks You Need to Know

  1. Need freezer space? Use magazine holders! These cheap, plastic organizers can be turned on their sides and stacked. Simply wedge them into the corner of a freezer and watch as you have a simple shelving unit “installed.” The magazine holders can then be used to store and protect some of the smaller or flatter objects in the freezer.

  2. Too many bulky pots and pans? Hang them from the ceiling! This will give your kitchen more cabinet space for other appliances. Not only is this a smart way to make space in your kitchen, but it also acts as a unique ceiling decoration, giving your home a rustic, cabin-like feel. If you want, you can invest in a nicer overhead rack for a more modern look.

  3. Are papers taking over the counter space? Use a tablet to store all of your paper clutter. This tablet can store your calendar and any recipes you have. This will replace the messy fridge door and the old cookbooks that you no longer use. Best of all, you can download eCookbooks that don’t take any space and are often completely free!

  4. Not sure where to put those onions and garlic? Store them in a bamboo steamer basket! Bamboo steamers offer plenty of ventilation, so they’re ideal for storing garlic and onions. This will clear up some fridge space for more urgently perishable veggies. Don’t be afraid to give your garlic and onions some space to breathe!

  5. Dirty blender? Let it clean itself! All you need to do is pour in some warm water and add a bit of soap. Turn on the blender and watch as it becomes clean before your very eyes. After it’s nice and sudsy, rinse it out, and you’re good to go. Just make sure you remember to put the lid on, or you’ll be cleaning a bigger mess than the one you started with!

  6. Does your garbage disposal need a bit of cleaning? Use lemons and vinegar every few days to keep your garbage disposal bacteria and odor-free. Simply slice the lemons into small pieces and freeze them in vinegar. These can be put through the garbage disposal just like normal, and it will ensure that your garbage disposal is never a gross place!

What kitchen hacks do you know? Comment below!


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