
Tindora Athanu | Achar | Pickle

By: the currymommy from thecurrymommy

"A spicy Indian marinated mixture that pairs well with any meal as a condiment. A spicy pickle combination that tastes perfect with almost any Indian meal. I remember first eating this combination as a little girl and thinking WOW this is good stuff! I have always had a love for spice and now I am here sharing this special recipe with you. I really don’t like sour pickles which are probably why I prefer this spicy achar over the traditional mango version. I also love a good carrot version. Simply replace tindora with carrots in this recipe and WAHLAH, you have carrot athanu!"

Notes-You can buy tindora at almost any Indian grocery store. Be sure it is fresh. When picking them try to find long and thin ones.

-When you cut the tindora if it is orange, or any shade of it on the inside, then discard the vegetable. It is no good.

-I prefer to cut mine into small pieces, but you are welcome to leave them big. I find they pickle/marinate quicker when chopped small.


Preparation Time15 min


  • 1 cup chopped tindora
  • 4 tbsp achar mix (I use Swad brand)
  • 1.5 tbsp oil

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