
AllFreeCopycatRecipes is a destination for foodies and home chefs on a mission to learn how to make their favorite dishes from restaurants, grocery stores, and celebrity chefs. We find out the secrets to replicating the authentic flavors of these dishes through over 3,900 easy recipes and tutorials. Our readers are mostly home chefs and DIYers who love making easier, healthier, and more budget-friendly versions of their favorite dishes without sacrificing flavor. From Olive Garden classics to Cheesecake Factory recipes and Cracker Barrel creations, if it’s from a restaurant, our readers will love it.

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Quick Facts about Prime Publishing

Our goal is to provide five minutes of fun every day in the life of a home cook, as well as quick and easy weekly meal solutions no matter the occasion.

  • More than 34 million monthly page views by home cooks, crafters, and DIYers.
  • More than 5.1 million email newsletter subscribers.
  • 50+ websites that cover everything from knitting and crochet to food and wine!
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About Prime Publishing

Purple Email LLC DBA Prime Publishing is a leader in building multi-platform brands that inform, inspire, and engage consumer audiences. Meeting at the intersection of information and engagement, and powered by innovation, the Prime Publishing brands span digital websites, email newsletters, social media, and e-commerce. Our diverse group of cooking and crafting properties allows consumers to enjoy the content they desire on their desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, and more.

We Care: We love to give back to our community whenever we can. Over the years, we have worked with organizations such as Project Linus, American Heart Association, Warm Up America, Rush University Medical Center, Help Heal Veterans, Feed My Starving Children, and the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Learn more about our charity work here.

Feed My Starving ChildrenGreater Chicago Food Depository

Awards & Recognition: 


  • Mequoda's Rocket Award Winner: Many of our of properties over the years have received Mequoda's Rocket Award. The Rocket Award annually recognizes and honors the fastest growing media properties. Learn more about this achievement here.


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