Amber from Bluebonnet Baker
Amber is a native Texan with a passion for good food and Texas history. Mom to Evan, and wife to James, Tex-Mex and baking are a way of life for her.
She grew up surrounded by both in her grandmother's kitchen. Expatriating all the way to England from Texas back in 2003, she yearned for warm tortillas and salsa that didn't come from a jar. England's Tex-Mex is pretty lacking, so she resolved to make them herself, along with all the treats Nanny baked up during her childhood. Things like Kahlua Pie and Gaga's Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake have continued to bring back all the love in Nanny's kitchen, through another transcontinental move, infertility, and a baby boy.
Bluebonnet Baker allows Amber to chronicle her delicious adventures along the way, and share them with folks across the world.
Amber's Links
Bluebonnet Baker
Amber's Recipes on
Panera Ham and Swiss Baked Egg Souffles
Copycat Cheesecake Factory White Chicken Chili
Peanut Butter Popcorn Peanut Butter Cookies
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